Git changes & impact to Overlays hostnames
Apr 25, 2015

Changes to the Gentoo Git hosting setup may require URL changes in your checkouts: Repositories are now only available via for authenticated users and for read-only traffic.

As previously announced [1] [2], and previously in the discussion of merging Overlays with Gentoo’s primary SCM hosting (CVS+Git): The old overlays hostnames ( and have now been disabled, as well as non-SSH traffic to This was a deliberate move to separate anonymous versus authenticated Git traffic, and ensure that anonymous Git traffic can continued to be scaled when we go ahead with switching away from CVS. Anonymous and authenticated Git is now served by separate systems, and no anonymous Git traffic is permitted to the authenticated Git server.

If you have anonymous Git checkouts from any of the affected hostnames, you should switch them to using one of these new URLs:

  • git://$REPO

If you have authenticated Git checkouts from the same hosts, you should switch them to this new URL:

In either case, you can trivially update any existing checkout with:
git remote set-url origin git+ssh://[email protected]/$REPO
(be sure to adjust the path of the repository and the name of the remote as needed).